In 2015, I walked into a General Pants store and bought a singlet with a Jim Morrison print. The girl who served me said she liked it. I replied, "do you know who it is?"— she had no idea. And I'm glad.
Because it triggered me to go down a rabbit hole of The Doors’ music and Jim’s poetry again – and then write and perform a psychedelic one-hour, one-man show exploring every part of his curious and creative mind; poet, prophet, shaman and showman.
With just me, a grand piano, a candle and a whisky decanter; Kaleidoscope toured to multiple venues and festivals across the country – to some wildish acclaim. Though sometimes, it couldn't be defined by many audience members, which was precisely the point.
"Lucente is not a baritone, he did not wear leather pants, and he did not use a silly fake drunken slur. And most significantly, this was not a biographical look at the man Jim Morrison. Instead, it was actually what the title indicates, a Jim Morrison kaleidoscope. This is a prismatic, abstract look at Morrison's mind, music, and words. Lucente has pieced together these elements in his one-man, one-piano show and the result is entirely unexpected, inventive and surprising..."
“This is not a perfect cabaret – sometimes too messy, sometimes not messy enough – but Lucente is an incredible performer, an undeniable force. And thank god he is ambitious; he’s more than talented enough to keep his audience interested and create something arresting, entertaining, and curious. Not all artists are creative and not all singers are artists. Lucente is all of these things.”
“On one level, Lucente’s Kaleidoscope is a humorous, intense, sometimes uncomfortable and unpredictable experience, yet always entertaining. On another level the narrative covers the group’s rise and fall in snapshot flashbacks. The stream of consciousness format also allows one entry into a man's mind constantly pushing buttons and boundaries. Taking no prisoners with his show’s high energy execution, Lucente’s Kaleidoscope would have made Morrison very proud.”